The minute I wrote started this series, I knew where I was heading and kept the idea of where the last book in the series would start, after a funeral. But this scene didn’t fit as an epilogue to tease the next book in the series, so it became a bonus. I love this scene and writing it in different POVs. And can’t wait to write the next book in the series!

Always focus on the road ahead.
Those were the first and last words of wisdom my grandmother ever gave me. She knew I had a tendency to focus on my past mistakes. Today was one of those days.
The rain poured down. The ground below my feet was muddy, but we still kept her funeral going. It’s what Nana would have wanted. Rain or shine, she’d want us to keep going. Even if we had to go on without her.
My chest ached with swelled-up emotions yet, I felt hollow. I was missing something.
It was my job now, to watch over and care for everyone the same way she did.
I wasn’t sure it was possible though, especially not with Sebastien still kneeling at her grave. The moment Nana fell sick, I knew he’d take it the hardest. Nana raised him, gave him a home, showed him a kindness he never got as a kid, and now she was gone. That old woman who saved his life was gone.
Our grandmother was gone.
“I never asked. What did Nana say to you when we saw her?” Nathan asked. He always tried to lighten up big moments, good or bad.
“You know…” I shrugged, not really wanting to go into details. “The usual stuff about love.”
Focus on the road ahead. It’ll lead you to that bright future you want with those you hold closest to your heart.
My future would have been brighter if she was still here. Smiling proudly as she watched me get down on one knee and ask the woman of my dreams to marry me. She’d be around for Christmas with her future great-grandchildren who’d sit around the rocking chair to listen to her talk while she knitted.
But she wouldn’t be there for any of that. The chair would be empty, standing still just like it did the moment she took her last breath. And her future great-grandchildren would go on without knowing ever getting the chance to meet her or feel her warm hugs. They’d never get tired of that god-awful cinnamon and apple scent, the signature smell of home.
“He’s not going to be ready.” I had almost forgotten Karina was standing with us. She’d been quiet for the most part. Or maybe I just wasn’t paying much attention to anything at this point.
It was a surprise I managed to even get dressed for the service, but I did with help of course.
I definitely wasn’t paying attention because, from the distance, I could see our other brother, Daniel walking up to Sebastien. Wasn’t he just beside us a second ago?
“I’m still keeping the dead man’s wish.” Nathan’s voice plunged through my thoughts. “He wanted his other son to take over until Balthazar is of age.”
“Good luck with that.” I scoffed, trying to push myself to talk as a distraction. Their conversation wasn’t one I cared for much, but it involved Sebastien. And I needed to do my part by taking care of him the most. He might have been Karina’s biological half-brother, but he was our family. Regardless of her dead father’s wishes, he wasn’t a Vasiliev. Hell, the man didn’t even want him. Nana did. So whatever Nathan wanted to do was out of the question. Sebastien would never go through with it, but I wouldn’t tell Nathan that.
“You know Sebastien, he wallows in the pain and anger for a long time before he can pick himself back up.”
“He just needs some help,” Nathan said while still keeping his eyes on Karina.
“Like he’ll ever allow anyone to do that. He’s a stubborn piece of shit.” I turned to Nathan, catching his attention. There wasn’t much else to say on the matter.
“Well, I’m going to head out.” I forced myself to give my brother a small smile, shoving my hands into my pockets. “It’s a long ride back home.”
He nodded, knowing traffic at this hour would be a bitch. “Make sure to keep your eyes on the road.”
“I told you, someone fucked with my car the last time.” I rolled my eyes not wanting to dive into this shit again.
“You got nothing to worry about.” Patting his shoulder, I left him to his girlfriend. He was in capable hands. And one day our brothers, Daniel, and Sebastien would be too.
As for me, my gaze drifted to the two beauties standing in front of my car. Bunny had her arm wrapped around my daughter, Bailee, wiping her tears away. My little girl took it almost just as hard as I did. The only difference was she cried while I held it in. I made my way to them and pulled Bailee into a hug.
“I miss her already too,” I whispered into her hair and placed a kiss on top of her head.
“Can we stay here for the night?” she asked, tilting her head up. Tearful gray eyes stared back at me.
How could she expect me to say no to that?
“I don’t mind staying for as long as we need to,” Bunny chimed in, resting a comforting hand on my shoulder.
Swallowing the lump in my throat, I nodded and brought her into my arms as well.
Yeah, I was in four capable hands to get me through anything.
Especially whatever lay on the road ahead.
If you enjoyed Irresistible Desire, and have yet to read Reckless Sin (Nathan!) it is AVAILABLE NOW in Kindle Unlimited. I loved going back and writing his cameo in Irresistible Desire. But, as an author’s note, Nathan was the easiest to write. He’s cocky, confident, charming, and he knows it.